Dear Participant
Welcome to the Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS) provider Course. Firstly, we at HSTCSA want to thank you for choosing us to be your preferred training provider. We appreciate your dedication in wanting to provide high quality patient care through continuous professional development and aim to ensure that your learning journey is a smooth and enjoyable one aimed at improving overall patient care .
If you have chosen to receive an E-book, a link and instructions on how to access your E-book will be sent to you shortly (Please not that this can take between 1 and 3 days. This is largely due to the fact that e-books are only purchased upon payment and confirmation of your booking)
Enclosed are the agenda and your copy of the BLS
Provider Manual to help you prepare for the program and the exam. Please bring your BLS
Provider Manual to class; you will be able to refer to it during class and the exam. If you are
using the eBook version, make sure your device is fully charged and download the manual to
your device’s eReader app in case there is no internet connection. Review both the agenda and
the manual before coming to class so that you learn more and are more comfortable with the
The class is scheduled for
Date: 09/04/2023
Time: 08H00
Location: HSTCSA at 12 Entabeni Road Sarnia Pinetown (Click the link for directions)
Please wear loose, comfortable clothing. You will be practicing skills that require working on your
hands and knees, bending, standing, and lifting. If you have physical conditions that might
prevent you from participating in the course, please tell one of the instructors when you arrive for
class. The instructor will work to accommodate your needs within the stated course completion
requirements. In the event that you are ill, please notify your instructor to reschedule your
We look forward to welcoming you on Sunday the 9th 2023. If you have any questions about the course,
please call Ryshane at +27 603712687.