HSTCSA - Health and Safety Training Center South Africa

Healthcare Professionals Courses

We have curated the best and most informative healthcare courses to make available for our Customers and Clients. Choose from one of these following courses to increase your knowledge, test your skills and stay updated with latest trends and guidelines 

Choose a course you would like to complete.

American Heart Association Courses

HSTCSA, is an American Heart Association (AHA) aligned international training site, offering AHA courses to healthcare professionals as well as to the general public. Our current course offerings include: 

Online Courses

Interactive Video Based Online Learning: Engaging courses crafted to captivate your interest, complete with step-by-step guidance for you to actively follow and accomplish tasks.

CPD Scholar hub

Introducing the CPD Scholar Hub by HSTCSA: Your Annual Subscription for Journal Article Reviews and Quizzes in Emergency Care & Medical Content

Emergency care refresher courses

HSTCSA is in the process of applying to be a recognised continual professional development education and training provider for the following courses:

  • BAA (Basic Ambulance Assistant)
  • AEA (Ambulance Emergency Assistant)
  • ECA (Emergency Care Assistant)
  • ECT (Emergency Care Technician)
  • ANT (Advanced Neurological Techniques)
  • ECP (Emergency Care Practitioners)

Refresher Courses COMING SOON!.

Free Open Access Medical Education

Free Open Access Meducation(FOAMED) Interactive Online Learning. Courses designed to keep you interested with steps for the user to follow and complete. COMING SOON!

health and safety training

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health and safety training

If you would like to know more about our INRAsafe Accredited Courses please contact us below