CPD Scholar- Emergency Care HUB

R900 / year

Welcome to the CPD Scholar Hub 

Unlock your potential with our comprehensive CPD program, designed for professionals eager to advance their knowledge and skills. Subscribe annually and gain access to a diverse range of Journal articles across various disciplines. Each article is accompanied by a 15-question quiz, and achieving a 70% pass mark will earn you a certification along with CEU’s per quiz, contributing towards your continuous professional development requirements.

CPD Requirements Overview:

Each healthcare practitioner registered with the Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA) is required to accumulate a specified number of CPD points annually to maintain their registration and ensure their knowledge and skills remain current. These points are divided into clinical and ethics categories, allowing practitioners to enhance both their specialized knowledge and ethical understanding in practice. Please review your specific requirements below:

ANA Ambulance Emergency Assistant 30 5
ANT Paramedic 30 5
BAA Basic Ambulance Assistant 15 2
ECA Emergency Care Assistant 15 2
ECT Emergency Care Technician 30 5
ECP Emergency Care Practitioner 30 5
OECO Operational Emergency Care Orderly 30 5

What we offer? 

  • Earn CPD Points: This offering is accredited by the Health Professions Council of South Africa through the University of Johannesburg, granting 2 clinical CEUs and 3 ethics CEUs for each completed questionnaire. Successfully completing the quizzes not only enhances your learning but also contributes towards your CPD points, essential for maintaining your professional license.
  • Flexible Learning: Choose from an array of articles throughout the year and complete them at your convenience.
  • User-Friendly Access: You can request a CPD tally of your CPD point accumulation by sending us a message @info through your dashboard to ensure you’re on track for the year.

Subscription Benefits 

  • Annual Access: Pay once and enjoy access to all content for 12 months. No monthly fees; just a straightforward annual subscription that keeps your professional development on track.
  • Certification: Earn certificates for each article quiz you pass

Enhance your expertise and stay competitive in your field with our tailored CPD program. Subscribe now and start your journey of continuous learning and professional development!


Browse our selection of journal articles related to Clinical CEUs

Browse our selection of journal articles related to CEUs for Ethics

Please sign up to earn your CEUs